I come across a lot of founders, marketers and creators faking their success and “story” on social media.

Honestly, I question myself twice a day if by any chance I’m being one of those?

Well, I am not.

I don’t subscribe to “fake it till you make it” idea of personal branding.

Being authentic is the first pillar of establishing yourself as a leader.

I’m not afraid of admitting that:

👉🏼”I don’t know it all”

👉🏼”I’m not perfect”

👉🏼”I’m not where I want to be”

The biggest downside of faking your success is:

👉🏼It puts you in a position where you’re afraid to ask for help or risk blowing your cover.

👉🏼It makes it harder to come clean about your shortcomings in the future.

Remember, it’s through #vulnerability and authenticity that we grow and build a community of raving fans.

Just be honest about where you’re, how you got here, what you don’t know and where you need support.

It’ll build trust and help your audience connect with you at a deeper level, fostering the sense of #community.


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