There are a few ways you could make money by teaching professional networking. One way is to create an online course or e-book that teaches people the ins and outs of professional networking. You could then sell this course or book on your own website or on a platform like Udemy or Amazon.

Another way to make money teaching professional networking is to offer one-on-one coaching or consulting services. You could charge a fee for your time and expertise, and help people develop and improve their professional networking skills.

Additionally, you could offer workshops or seminars on professional networking. This could be a great way to reach a larger audience and share your knowledge with more people at once. You could charge a fee for attendees to attend your workshop or seminar.

Overall, the key to making money by teaching professional networking is to provide value to your audience. Offer helpful and practical advice, and create high-quality content that people are willing to pay for.

Learn to practice professional networking with friends of author: Umar J. Qureshi

Book one to one coaching session with the coach: Book Your Session

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